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Daniela Schuldt

Daniela Schuldt

Dr. Daniela Peressoni Vieira Schuldt is an Endodontist, who was born and raised in Florianopolis, SC, Brazil. She received her dental degree from the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2011 and her Master's degree in Dentistry (with a focus on Endodontics) from the same university in 2014. Since 2019, she has been a PhD candidate in the Endodontic Department at Federal University of Santa Catarina. 

Dr. Schuldt has extensive experience in academia, having worked as an Endodontic Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Santa Catarina since 2015 and recently, she was appointed as an Assistant Professor of the Endodontic Department at NOVA Southeastern University in 2022. Her research interests include physical and chemical properties of endodontic dental materials and biomaterials, preoperative and postoperative pain in endodontic treatment, and has published several abstracts and peer-reviewed articles in journals such as the Australian Endodontic Journal, Brazilian Dental Journal, Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia and the Clinical Oral Investigations. 

Dr. Schuldt is an active member of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (SBPqO) and the Brazilian subdivision of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR). Her main academic areas of interest are physical and chemical properties of endodontic dental materials and biomaterials, preoperative and postoperative pain in endodontic treatment. 

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